by Chris Wiles | Jan 5, 2010 | Life
It’s a bad time to be Brit Hume. I assume you’ve all heard by now that Hume doled out some controversial advice to Tiger Woods on “Fox News Sunday.” In case you don’t care to watch the clip, here’s what Hume said to Woods: “Tiger Woods...
by Chris Wiles | Nov 30, 2009 | Life
It was a philosopher by the name of Feuerbach who famously established the idea that religion is merely “wish fulfillment.” Now Feuerbach lives on in the cutting edge field of neuroscience. USA Today reports of a new study that suggests that “Believers...
by Chris Wiles | Nov 27, 2009 | Life
At the popular level, the Holidays will always be known for two things: (1) family and (2) spending. Nowhere is the latter more fully embodied than on “Black Friday,” the only holiday dedicated exclusively to consumer spending. And what’s been most fascinating is the...
by Chris Wiles | Aug 31, 2009 | Life
Yesterday was a sunny afternoon in Princeton, Texas, not far from Dallas. 40 young minds gathered for a program called “Camp Quest,” the first camp designed for “children of agnostics, skeptics and [self-proclaimed] ‘free-thinkers.’” According to a recent article in...
by Chris Wiles | Jul 13, 2009 | Life
“If any one age really attains by eugenics and scientific education the power to make its descendents what it pleases, all men who live after it are the patients of that power. Man’s conquest of nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means...
by Chris Wiles | Jul 8, 2009 | Life
“Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.” -The Apostle Paul, ca. 50 AD “Every lament is a love song. Will love songs one day no longer be laments?” -Nicholas...
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