by Chris Wiles | Jun 11, 2010 | Life
A common perception concerning contemporary spirituality is that Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” What exactly this means is notoriously hard to define, but it generally means a do-it-yourself brand of spirituality that depends on...
by Chris Wiles | Jun 9, 2010 | Life
According to recent research by the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, today’s college students have less empathy than previous generations. According to USA Today: The research finds that college students today show 40% less empathy...
by Chris Wiles | May 10, 2010 | Life
Just finished reading the latest from Douglas Coupland, Generation A. You might be aware that Coupland is famous for Generation X, a book that coined the popular term. Generation A is not as groundbreaking as this work, but highly entertaining, and like most of...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 30, 2010 | Life
Coexist, the bumper sticker reads. At face value, such a message is a very positive one – despite the fundamental differences between religious faiths, they can nonetheless exist together without threat of violence. Problems come in when the message of “coexist”...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 21, 2010 | Life
While I don’t count myself among the environmentalists, I affirm the beauty of creation and the signature of its Creator. And so for Earth Day, I felt it appropriate to collect just a few of the many voices who have spoken of the connection between creation and...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 14, 2010 | Life
He aborted the “wrong” baby. He had intended to abort a child with down’s syndrome, but instead, he aborted the healthy twin by mistake. Now, he has lost his license and is reported to be quite distraught. Today, Al Mohler wrote on his blog: Consider what this...
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