by Chris Wiles | Mar 25, 2010 | Faith
While truth comes to us in many forms, it is most vividly received in the context of story. It is within the context of story that readers are invited into the literary and emotional landscape, and experience truth through the eyes of its characters. And this...
by Chris Wiles | Mar 24, 2010 | Faith
Wright’s latest work is entitled After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, the third in a series, preceded by Simply Christian and Surprised by Hope. Whenever there is a new release by N.T. Wright, the content is guaranteed to be both substantive and...
by Chris Wiles | Mar 23, 2010 | Faith
To learn and to grow, you need to read more. I’m here to help. The following works are my recommended reading list for understanding the concept of the cross and atonement. You’re not going to read them all in one night, let alone in a single year. So...
by Chris Wiles | Feb 18, 2010 | Faith
This may come a surprise, but I’m a really good cook. No; seriously. My training falls under the broad headline of “forced culinary experimentation.” Being dirt poor, I’ve often had to be creative in what ingredients I can mix and combine to make a good...
by Chris Wiles | Feb 17, 2010 | Faith
It was called “The Mixer.” “The Mixer” was advertised on a photocopied flier that I and some friends received. It featured a large picture of a young woman with a 60’s era hairdo winking suggestively at you from her grainy black and white photograph. Apparently...
by Chris Wiles | Feb 16, 2010 | Faith
It was our first date. Or so I thought. She was beautiful. I was foolish. I had just graduated from college, my head still reeling a bit from a girl I really liked but was…inaccessible (not going into that story), not to mention a girl that everyone knew I liked...
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