by Chris Wiles | Oct 31, 2017 | Faith
I love sushi. So much so that I was delighted to discover the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi on my Netflix account. The focus of the film is none other than Jiro Ono, an 86-year-old sushi chef who operates a small sushi restaurant in a Tokyo subway station. If you...
by Chris Wiles | Oct 20, 2017 | Faith
Being the brother of the Messiah can’t be easy. Think about it for a minute: what would it to convince you that your brother was the Son of God? Chances are, you wouldn’t believe him unless you saw him come back from the dead. But the resurrection has a way of...
by Chris Wiles | May 31, 2017 | Faith
Well howdy, Tri-State. Having been your pastor for the last seven years, I’ve witnessed a great many changes, but presently I find myself on the verge of one of the greatest changes of my lifetime. As you may have already heard, I am getting married, and with that...
by Chris Wiles | Nov 16, 2016 | Faith, Today's Must Reads
Our stories are precious things. They flow through us—and out of us—in rivulets of nouns and verbs and all the other fragments of human speech that give life its form. Language is how we enter the world—both literally as well as figuratively. The Christian Bible...
by Chris Wiles | May 25, 2012 | Faith
The bulk of this blog post is dedicated to the questions that were submitted via text message at Tri-State Fellowship on Sunday, May 20. This series has focused on the “Unseen” forces around us. In the 1960’s, sociologist Peter Berger wrote a short book called A...
by Chris Wiles | Mar 24, 2012 | Faith
Shame began in a garden. The garden, as a matter of fact – when Adam and Eve were created, they were said to be “naked and unashamed” (Genesis 2:25). Their world knew no shame. And what was their world like? We’ve all heard the story: God creates the earth in six...
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