by Chris Wiles | Apr 30, 2010 | Life
Coexist, the bumper sticker reads. At face value, such a message is a very positive one – despite the fundamental differences between religious faiths, they can nonetheless exist together without threat of violence. Problems come in when the message of “coexist”...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 29, 2010 | Faith
Christopher J Wiles pastor | writer | speaker FollowFollowFollow It’s Jesus versus Paul. Two recent books have promoted a “new” way of thinking about the gospel relative to the traditional doctrines of the evangelical church. The authors of both books have...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 28, 2010 | Art
Christopher J Wiles pastor | writer | speaker FollowFollowFollow It’s always a surprise when a nature documentary finds commercial success, such as has been the case in recent years. Documentaries such as March of the Penguins and Disney’s Earth have...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 21, 2010 | Life
While I don’t count myself among the environmentalists, I affirm the beauty of creation and the signature of its Creator. And so for Earth Day, I felt it appropriate to collect just a few of the many voices who have spoken of the connection between creation and...
by Chris Wiles | Apr 15, 2010 | Art
Today was a day of remembrance for the liberation of holocaust survivors during the Second World War. A joyous day, but one marked by painful associations. According to an ABC News article, veterans recalled the absolute horror of the camps: The odor of death could be...
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